
Sora Open AI- will alter the reality of Marketing Agencies or steal the creative jobs?


The start of the year 2024 has proven to be a breakthrough for businesses and the creative landscape. The debut of Sora Open AI has met with lots of excitement and procrastination in the market. But, what does it store for the future? 

The era of AI technologies and AI models is going to alter the reality for digital marketing agencies, film industries, and creative workspaces. However, another question lingers behind the excitement of the new AI model is — Sora Open AI will steal the creative tasks of thousands of video editors, designers, camera operators, and filmmakers. 

The Positive at the Present 

Sora Open AI is an intelligent text-to-video model that translates textual prompts into videos in seconds with accurate angles without glitches or aberrations. Do you remember the infamous failed AI video of Will Smith eating spaghetti? Check that on the internet, and the video quality of videos produced by Sora Open AI will mesmerize you. 

Currently, digital marketing agencies and seo agencies in India will have a goldmine of unlimited videos through Sora Open AI. This will change the trajectory for brands and agencies, as they can easily produce videos using the right textual prompts.

One of the most striking aspects of Sora Open AI is its ability to deliver curated videos at lightning speed. This rapid turnaround time enables brands and agencies to stay agile in today's fast-paced digital landscape, where timely content can make all the difference in capturing audience attention and driving engagement.

Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of using Sora Open AI cannot be ignored. By eliminating the need for expensive video production equipment and skilled editors, brands and agencies can significantly reduce their overhead costs while maintaining a high standard of quality in their video content.

Sora Open AI represents a paradigm shift in the way video content is created and consumed. Its seamless integration of text-to-video technology opens up a world of possibilities for marketers, enabling them to unleash their creativity and deliver impactful messaging to their target audiences like never before. As brands and agencies continue to embrace this innovative tool, the future of video marketing looks brighter than ever.

Read as well: AI Is Transforming The Future Of Digital Marketing in India: Know How

The Threat on Creative Space - True or False?

Rising technology casts suspicion and doubts on human minds regarding their productivity and work ethics. It would be wrong if we say everything is all sunny and breezy. However, it is also true that there is no such threat from technology. 

AI will not steal jobs but will help the productivity level of businesses. Employees at digital marketing agencies such as video editors, filmmakers, designers, and others should not feel threatened by Sora Open AI. 

Rather than replacing human creativity and expertise, AI complements and amplifies these capabilities, enabling professionals to focus on higher-level strategic initiatives and interventions. 

That said, it's crucial to acknowledge that not all sectors may experience the same degree of symbiosis with AI. Industries such as stock video sites may indeed face challenges as text-to-video AI models emerge, potentially disrupting traditional business models and necessitating adaptation. 

However, even in such cases, there exist opportunities for innovation and diversification, where human ingenuity can devise new value propositions and niches that align with evolving consumer demands.

The Need for Symbiotic Relationship 

Today’s time requires a symbiotic relationship between creative doers and AI models. With AI technology at its zenith, upskilling and continuous learning are essential to establish cohesive connections with AI models such as ChatGPT, Sora Open AI, and others. 

AI will reshape the creative space whether the world is ready to accept it or not, but rather than usurping the jobs and tasks, it will serve as an additional tool to complement the efforts of human doers. Through collaboration and integration, AI augments the creative process, unlocking new possibilities and enhancing productivity.